
VARIOUS OTHERS is the international format of the Munich art scene. Its most ambitious players—galleries, artist-run spaces, and institutions—invite you to get to know the city’s most important art venues in all their diversity. In collaboration with international partners, VARIOUS OTHERS offers artists, collectors, curators, gallery owners, and art enthusiasts from all over the world contemporary art of the highest quality and relevance.

With its splendid kick-off during the second weekend of September, VARIOUS OTHERS heralds the start of the fall art season and is a fixed event in the international art calendar. With its up-to-date, varied, and high-quality program of exhibitions and events, VARIOUS OTHERS promotes the visibility of Munich as a vibrant art city.

Through our partnership concept—galleries and artist-run spaces invite partners to jointly realize exhibitions—we strengthen international exchange and collaboration and share those values with our guests and partners. During four rich weeks, we invite our guests and friends to experience great sites of contemporary art in Munich and get to know the artists who work here—and thus discover new things.

VARIOUS OTHERS is a format hosted by the association VFAMK e.V. The association for the “Förderung der Außenwahrnehmung Münchens als Kunststandort” (VFAMK) is a non-profit association aiming to improve international awareness for contemporary art in Munich. All participating VARIOUS OTHERS venues are members of the VFAMK e.V. association.

We thank our partners and all the supporting members of the association who make this project possible as well as the active members for their unflagging efforts and dedication.



Association Board
Paulina Caspari, Sarah Haugeneder, Tim Geissler
Michael Buhrs, Andrea Lissoni, Heinrich von Portatius

Director of Program
Christian Ganzenberg

Production & Media Relations
Lucrezia Levi Morenos

Liaison & Guest Relations
Johanna Hardenberg

Communications & Social Media
Pauline Herrmann

Special Program
Mia Laska

Digital Editor
Quirin Brunnmeier



Alex Kern, AAA Studio


Verein zur Förderung der Außenwahrnehmung
Münchens als Kunststandort VFAMK e.V.
Schlechinger Weg 13
81669 München
